
Past Presidents

GWAA PRESIDENTS, 1946-present

Russ Newland (Associated Press) – 1946-48

O.B. Keeler

O.B. Keeler (Atlanta Journal) – 1948-49

Grantland Rice

Grantland Rice (North American Newspaper Alliance) – 1949-50

Kerr Petrie

Kerr Petrie (New York Herald-Tribune) – 1950-51

Herb Graffis

Herb Graffis (Golfdom Magazine) – 1951-52

Lincoln Werden

Lincoln Werden (New York Times) – 1952-55

Charles Curtis

Charles Curtis (Los Angeles Times) – 1955-56

Des Sullivan

Des Sullivan (Newark Star Ledger) – 1956-58

John Walter

John Walter (Detroit News) – 1958-59

Bob Drum

Bob Drum (Pittsburgh Press) – 1959-60

Merrell Whittlesey

Merrell Whittlesey (Washington Star) – 1960-61

Larry Robinson

Larry Robinson (New York World Telegram and Sun) – 1961-62

Ed Miles

Ed Miles (Atlanta Journal) – 1962-63

Nelson Cullenward

Nelson Cullenward (San Francisco Examiner) – 1963-64

Joe Looney

Joe Looney (Boston Herald) – 1964-65

Wally Wallis

Wally Wallis (Daily Oklahoman) – 1965-66

Dana Mozley

Dana Mozley (New York Daily News) – 1966-67

Dudley "Waxo" Green

Dudley “Waxo” Green (Nashville Banner) – 1967-69

Roger Barry

Roger Barry (Boston Patriot Ledger) – 1969-71

Kaye Kessler

Kaye Kessler (Columbus Citizen-Journal) – 1971-73

Bill Beck

Bill Beck (St. Louis Post Dispatch) – 1973-75

Harold Martin

Harold Martin (Columbia News) – 1975-77

Will Grimsley

Will Grimsley (Associated Press) – 1977-79

Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor (Seattle Post-Intelligencer) – 1979-80

Dick Taylor

Dick Taylor (Golf World) – 1980-82

John Bibb

John Bibb (Nashville Tennessean) – 1982-84

Jack Berry

Jack Berry (Detroit News) – 1984-86

Marino Parascenzo

Marino Parascenzo (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) – 1986-88

Joe Greenday

Joe Greenday (Philadelphia News) – 1988-90

Bob Green

Bob Green (Associated Press) – 1990-92

Furman Bisher

Furman Bisher (Atlanta Journal) – 1992-94

Tim Rosaforte

Tim Rosaforte (Sports Illustrated) – 1994-96                                                

Larry Dorman

Larry Dorman (New York Times) – 1996-97

Steve Hershey

Steve Hershey (USA Today) – 1997-99

Thomas Bonk

Thomas Bonk (Los Angeles Times) – 1999-2001

Mike Purkey

Mike Purkey (Golf Magazine) – 2001-2003

Leonard Shapiro

 Len Shapiro  (Washington Post) – 2003-2005

Art Spander

Art Spander (Oakland Tribune) – 2005-2007

Doug Ferguson

Doug Ferguson (Associated Press) – 2007-2009

Vartan Kupelian

Vartan Kupelian  (Detroit News) – 2009-2011

Bob Harig

Bob Harig  ( – 2011-2013

Ron Sirak

Ron Sirak (Golf Digest) – 20130-2015

Jeff Babineau

Jeff Babineau (Golfweek) – 2015-2017

Gary Van Sickle

Gary Van Sickle ( – 2017-2019*

Ron Green Jr

Ron Green Jr. (Global Golf Post) – 2019-2021*

Beth Ann Nichols

Beth Ann Nichols (Golfweek) – 2021-2023*

*Serves on Board of Directors as a Past President


Charlie Bartlett – 1946-66

John Bibb – 1966-67

Doc Giffin (secretary) – 1967-69

Jim Regan (treasurer) – 1969-90

Dick Taylor (secretary) –1969-1975

Bob Rickey (secretary) -1975-90

Jack Berry (sec/treas) – 1990-98

Melanie Hauser (sec/treas) – 1998-2022

Jeff Babineau (secretary) – 2022-present

Alex Miceli (treasurer) – 2022-present