

Thank you for your interest in GWAA membership.

Our organization’s goal is to improve working conditions for the membership. We strive for constant improvement in press facilities at tournaments, hotel accommodations, local transportation, interviews with the players and work in concert with the Association of Golf Writers, our British counterparts.

We publish a directory and monthly newsletters and maintain a members-only website that includes the most comprehensive archive of tournament transcripts dating back to 1997, contact numbers, links to newspapers, magazines and tournament sites, a bulletin board and other information that help us do our jobs better.

We also sponsor an annual writing contest and a number of annual awards. Those winners are honored at our annual GWAA Awards Dinner in Augusta, Ga., the Wednesday night of Masters week. 

Our board of directors meets annually with officials from the all governing bodies to review policies, working conditions at events and discuss any bumps we encountered while doing our jobs.

There are currently three membership categories — Regular (staff writers and editors), Associate (part-time writers, includes freelancers), and Lifetime/Retired. Writers applying for membership must meet a specific set of criteria, which includes writing for GWAA recognized publications/websites. Professional membership is for individuals only.

Among other criteria, candidates for Regular membership must submit a minimum of 10 different golf stories published (not just written) in the current 12-month period. Associate members must publish six different stories under the same criteria. A book, which must be published and released in that 12-month period, counts as one piece. Further details are in the application.